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畜禽规模养殖 poultry scale cultivation英语短句 例句大全

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畜禽规模养殖 poultry scale cultivation英语短句 例句大全

畜禽规模养殖,poultry scale cultivation

1)poultry scale cultivation畜禽规模养殖


1.Design of Intelligent Environment Control System for Massive livestock Breeding畜禽规模养殖环境智能调控系统的研制

2.Monitoring and Evaluation of Waster Wate Pollution Factors in Livestock and Poultry Scale Cultivation畜禽规模养殖废水污染因子监测评价分析

3.Puyang City Scale Livestock and Poultry Farms to Prevent Water Pollution Situation Analysis and Countermeasures;濮阳市畜禽规模养殖场治污现状分析与对策研究

4.The Problems and Corresponding Proposals in the Progress of Livestock Industrialization and Intensive Feeding;畜禽规模化养殖与产业化过程中的问题及建议

5.Research of Pollution from Dimension Breeding Domestic Amimal and Fowl in Heze City;菏泽市规模化畜禽养殖污染情况调查分析

6.The Design of Distributed Real-Time Monitoring and Control System in Scale Livestock Farms规模畜禽养殖场分布式实时监控系统设计研究

7.Estimation of the amount of livestock manure and its environmental influence of large-scaled culture based on spatial information规模化养殖畜禽粪便量估算及环境影响研究

8.Fijian Province Formalization Poultry Breeding Farm Methane Resources Investigation and the Analysis福建省规模化畜禽养殖场沼气资源调查与分析

9.Discussion on Planning Environmental Impact Assessment for Livestock"s Scale Breeding Industry畜禽养殖业规划环境影响评价的探讨

10.Analysis of Harmful Components and Harmless Processing of Livestock and Poultry Manures from Feedlots;规模化养殖畜禽粪有害成分测定及其无害化处理效果

11.Studies on Waste Treatment and Utilization in Large Scale Animal Farm;规模化畜禽养殖场废弃物无害化处理及资源化利用研究

12.Study on Waste Load of Farmland for the Development of Scale Breeding Farm in Chaohu Basin巢湖流域规模化养殖场畜禽粪便污染负荷研究——以居巢区为例

13.Analyzing and Discussing on Planning Environmental Impact Assessment for Livestock"s Scale Breeding Industry in Our Country我国畜禽养殖规划现状分析及对策探讨

14.The application of scientific principles to agriculture, especially to animal breeding.家禽饲养业将科学规律用于农业,尤指用于牲畜繁殖

15.The analysis and management planning on Yingkou Waste Pollution in animal husbandry current situation营口市畜禽养殖废弃物污染现状分析及管理规划

16.Study on Rural Household Biogas Ecological Treatment Model for Livestock Production Pollution Controlling in Nanjing County南靖农村户用沼气生态处理模式防治畜禽养殖污染的研究

17.The Assessment and Comparison on Animal Manure Pollution Risk of Different Breeding Patterns in Hebei河北省不同养殖模式的畜禽粪尿资源及污染风险分析

18.Study on Start-up of UASB for Treating Poultry Breeding Waste Water;UASB处理畜禽养殖废水的启动研究


scale livestock or poultry规模畜禽养殖

3)Livestock"s Scale Breeding Industry规模化畜禽养殖

1.Study on the Regional Pollution Control Patterns ofLivestock"s Scale Breeding Industry and on Its Management Instruments;规模化畜禽养殖区域污染控制模式及管理工具研究

4)intensive livestock farming规模化畜禽养殖场

1.Based on anintensive livestock farming in Tianjin,we illustrate pollution resource,contamination,evaluation criteria,evaluation factors,forecasting model and environment protection measurements in the present article,which may help to study the environmental impact assessment on pollution fromintensive livestock farming industry.以天津某大型种猪场为例,从污染源与污染物、评价标准与评价因子、预测模式与环境保护措施等方面探讨了规模化畜禽养殖场环境影响评价过程。

5)beasts and birds scale cultivation dejection畜禽规模养殖粪便

6)livestock"s scale breeding planning畜禽养殖规划


海水增养殖(见海水养殖、海水增殖)海水增养殖(见海水养殖、海水增殖)marine aquaculture_一一’‘~’‘以,’日y以.1日乙川髦增养殖(~ne aquacultu祀’见海水养殖·海水


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