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[06月]农业发展政策 agricultural development policy英语短句 例句大全

农信网 2024-06-02 15:28:17 综合内容 173

[06月]农业发展政策 agricultural development policy英语短句 例句大全

农业发展政策,agricultural development policy

1)agricultural development policy农业发展政策


1.Agricultural Comparative Benefits: investigation into China s agricultural development;农业比较利益:中国农业发展政策的考察

2.Environment-Friendly Agricultural Development Policy in S. Korea;韩国亲环境农业发展政策实践与启示

3.Analysis of the Development of China s Agricultural Industry in Terms of Agricultural Subsidy Policy;从农产品补贴政策看我国农业的发展

4.The Policy of Finance and Taxation and China s Sustained Development of the Agriculture;财政税收政策与中国农业可持续发展

5.Adjusting the Financial Policy and Developing Our Country s Agricultural Economy;调整财政政策 发展我国农业经济

6.On China s Fiscal Policy of Continual Development of Agriculture;我国农业可持续发展的财政政策取向

7.Coordination of Fiscal&Monetary Policy and Sustainable Development of China’s Agriculture;财政货币政策配合与农业可持续发展

8.The Countermeasure Study on Development of ShanDong Agricultural Insurance with Finance Property;山东省政策性农业保险发展对策研究

9.The Research on the Commercial Finance Development of Agricultural Policy Banks;农业政策性银行发展商业性金融研究

10.To Develop Agricultural Industrialization by the Support of Financy and Tax Police;我国农业产业化发展的财税政策支持

11.The Research on Financial and Tax Policy of the Development of Hunan Agricultural Industrialization;湖南农业工业化发展的财税政策研究

12.Suggestion on the Policy of Industrialization of the Agricultural Science and Technology;农业科技成果产业化发展的政策思考

13.Enlightenment of American Agricultural Policy On China s Agriculture;美国的农业政策对中国农业发展的启示

14.Strategic Way of Thinking about Agricultural Development and Readjustment of Agricultural Policy in the New Century;新世纪农业发展的战略思路与农业政策调整

15.Enlightenment of the EU"s Common Agricultural Policy on the Development of Our Country欧盟共同农业政策对我国农业发展的启示

16.Agricultural development depends first on policy and second on science.农业的发展一靠政策,二靠科学。

17.Study on the Development of Agricultural Insurance and the Supporting Policies;我国农业保险发展及其支持政策研究

18.The Study on the Problem of the Policy Agriculture Insurance Development of Jilin Province;吉林省政策性农业保险发展问题研究


policy of developing agriculture发展农业的政策

3)rural power development policy农电发展政策

1.This paper summarizes the practices and experiences ofrural power development policy in a number of selectedcountries including USA, Brazil, France and Japan, Australia, and highlights the roles of the policy in rural power business.简要说明农电发展政策的重要性,介绍美国、巴西、法国、日本、澳大利亚等国的农电政策。

4)agriculture development countermeasures农业发展对策

5)industrial development policy产业发展政策

6)Agricultural policy农业政策

1.Taiwan agricultural policy in second developing periodand some inspirations;台湾第二时期农业政策的演变及启示

2.The Study of KMT and CPC Agricultural Policy during the Period of Democratic Revolution;民主革命时期国共两党农业政策研究

3.The behavior of peasant households effected on agricultural policy and structure and technology and ecological environment.农户行为对现代农业发展的影响包括:农户的认可或接受意愿决定了农业政策能否落实,农户的决策及投入行为决定了农业结构调整和农业科技进步,农户的认识和经营模式决定了农业生态状况。




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