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农信网 2024-03-26 13:32:23 综合内容 637


Aquaculture, also known as fish farming, plays an important role in meeting the growing demand for seafood worldwide. It involves the breeding and rearing of aquatic animals and the cultivation of aquatic plants in controlled environments. As a result, a wide variety of aquaculture products are available, ranging from fish and shellfish to seaweed and algae. These products not only provide a sustainable source of high-quality seafood but also contribute to the conservation of wild fish populations. In addition, aquaculture fosters economic development in coastal and rural areas, creating employment opportunities and supporting local communities. Overall, the diverse range of aquaculture products offers a viable solution to support global food security and meet the increasing consumer demand for nutritious and environmentally sustainable seafood options.

养殖产品,aquaculture products

1)aquaculture products养殖产品

1.Discussion on quality control system for pollution-freeaquaculture products无公害养殖产品质量控制体系探讨


1.Supervision measures on ensuring safety of aquaculture products quality水产养殖产品质量安全监管保障措施探讨

2.After catching all fish, the water quality will reach the same level other sea area because of ocean current.在养殖产品起捕后,由于海流作用,深水网箱养殖海区的水质很快就达到与未开展养殖海区一致。

3.It refers to machinery used for catching and breeding aquatic products.是指捕捞、养殖水产品所用的机械。

4.Dunaliella Factory Farming Technology and Product Development盐藻工厂化养殖技术与产品开发(一)

5.The paper expounds the questions existing in the rice eel"s culture, pointing out the difference among ecological culture、 healthy culture and publically harmless production of animals.本文阐述了鳝鱼养殖中存在的问题,指出生态养殖、康养殖与无公害动物产品生产的区别。

6.We should vigorously develop animal husbandry, aquatic farming and the processing of agricultural products.大力发展畜牧业、水产养殖业和农产品加工业。

7.On Aquatic Saffety and Organic Aquaculture of China;中国水产品质量安全与有机水产养殖探讨

8.Aquaculture, valued foods, formation foods, oversea incorporation, breed aquatics, feeds &livestock product.水产品,加工食品业,化成食品业,海外合并业,增养殖业,饲料畜产业。

9.Strategic Study of Quality Safety Management of Fishery Products of China;中国养殖水产品质量安全管理问题研究

10.The Influencing Factors and Measures of Culture Steps on Livestock Product Safety;养殖环节影响畜产品安全的因素及对策

11.Game Analysis on the Sea Food Supply Chain and the Extension of Ecological Mariculture;海产品供应链与海水生态养殖的博弈分析

12.Environment cost and measures regarding aquatic products trade mainly from aquatic breed;以养殖为主的水产品贸易环境成本及对策探析

13.Control of Hazards of Aquaculture Products by HACCP System;应用HACCP体系控制养殖水产品的安全危害

14.Decision factors analysis of stocking species selection for tilapia culture罗非鱼生产养殖品种选择决策因素分析

15.Monitoring and Analysis of Vibrio Cholerae in Aquatic Products and Their Culture Containers in Hengyang衡阳市水产品及养殖容器霍乱弧菌监测与分析

16.Study on processing technology of snack food from breed large yellow croaker养殖大黄鱼休闲食品生产工艺技术研究

17.High Production of Fish in the Clear and Poor Water……A Report on the Techniques of Breeding Fish in New ponbs清瘦型水体高产养鱼技术研究——新挖池塘商品鱼养殖高产技术研究

18.Used as a starting fodder in the aquaculture( industrial fish-farming, shellfish-farming).用作水产养殖业(类养殖及贝类养殖)最初饲料。


aquiculture products养殖水产品

1.Determination of multi-tetracyclines residues inaquiculture products by HPLC;养殖水产品中四环素类抗生素残留的高效液相色谱测定法

2.The residues of chloramphenicol in several kinds ofaquiculture products were assayed with the optimized method of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).本文建立了高效液相色谱(HPLC)检测养殖水产品中氯霉素残留量的方法。

3)fishery products水产养殖产品

1.The fishery product quality traceability system of multi-level and multi-hierarchy role access control was designed and implemented based on identification technology combined with product code and flow code and XML Web Services data transfer technology and User Access Control based on role technology from research on the flow offishery products.以水产品为研究对象,基于养殖产品流程个体编码技术、XML Web服务的数据传递技术和角色控制的权限动态分配技术,建立了多层次多用户多权限的水产养殖产品质量追溯系统,为生产者、检验者、监督者和消费者提供食品生产、流通和消费各环节信息交互平台,并以电话、网络、短信向公众提供追溯查询服务、认证监管服务和防伪服务,具有较好的推广应用前景。

4)wastewater from marine farms海水产品养殖场废水

1.The concentrations of carbon and nitrogen in thewastewater from marine farms were very high.海水产品养殖场废水中碳、氮的浓度很高,通过序批式反应器(SBR)处理,能有效的降低碳、氮的浓度。

5)aquaculture species养殖品种


1.Nutrient components analysis for twocultivars of Kappaphycus alvarezii长心卡帕藻2个养殖品系的营养成分分析




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