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The term "arid agriculture areas" refers to regions with limited water availability and challenging environmental conditions for farming. In these areas, traditional farming methods may not be suitable, and innovative approaches are required to ensure agricultural production. The following are some examples of short sentences and phrases related to arid agriculture areas: 1. Arid agriculture areas require efficient water management techniques. 2. Farmers in arid regions face the challenge of water scarcity. 3. Drought-resistant crops are essential for arid agriculture areas. 4. Sustainable agriculture practices are crucial in arid regions. 5. Irrigation systems play a vital role in supporting agriculture in arid areas. These examples highlight the importance of addressing the specific needs of arid agriculture areas and the need for adaptation and resilience in farming practices.

旱作农业区,arid agriculture areas

1)arid agriculture areas旱作农业区

1.The expert system development of chemical water-saving in thearid agriculture areas;旱作农业区化学节水专家系统的研制


1.Study on Technology and Mode of High Efficient Use of Rainwater on Arid Farmland;旱作农业区雨水高效利用技术与模式研究

2.Problems and countermeasures of rural human settlements in dry farming region of Northern Shaanxi陕北旱作农业区乡村人居环境问题与对策研究

3.The western region needs to expand the production of agricultural products with distinctive local characteristics and develop drought-resistant and environmentally friendly agriculture.西部地区要发展特色农业、旱作农业和生态农业。

4.Dry Land Agriculture and Water Saving AgricultureThe Fundamental Way Out For the 21st Century Agriculture Development in Dry Areas;旱作农业+节水农业——21世纪干旱地区农业发展的出路

5.Research on Deveolping Strategies of Dryland Farming in Hilly Areas of South Part of Ningxia;宁夏南部山区旱作农业开发战略研究

6.The Discuss on the Development Pattern of Ecological & Economy Farming in South of Ningxia;宁南旱作农区生态经济农业发展思路研究

7.Research on Multi-effect Appraisement of Dryland Water-saving Agriculture in North China;我国北方旱作区旱作节水农业综合效益评价研究

8.Studies on the Cooperative Economic Organization for Agricultural Water-Saving in Northeast Semi-Arid Area in China;东北半干旱地区农业节水合作经济组织研究

9.Strategies on High-profit and Sustainable Agriculture Development in Mountainous Arid Area in the Suburb of Beijing;京郊山地旱作区持续高效农业发展对策

10.Present Status of Upland Farming for Sustainable Development in Mountainous Area of Northwest in Guizhou and its Countermeasure;黔西北山区旱作农业可持续发展的现状与对策

11.Zhengzhou Area Dry Saving Water Agricultural Present Situation Analysis and Development Countermeasure郑州地区旱作节水农业现状分析及发展对策

12.Micromorphological Fractal Features of Cultivated Soil in the Northern Weihe Area渭北旱塬区典型农业耕作土壤微形态分形研究

13.Agricultural and Livestock Production in the Arid and Semi-arid Areas in the United States of America美国干旱、半干旱地区的农牧业生产

14.The Grey Relational Analysis on Agriculture and Industrial Structure in Dry Farming Knob Southeast Da-Xing-An-Ling;大兴安岭东南麓旱作丘陵区农业和农村产业结构灰色关联分析

15.Energetically Extending Rainfed Water-Saving Farming Technique andPromoting Continuous and Stable Development of Agriculturein Southerm Mountainous Area of Ningxia;大力推广旱作节水农业技术推动宁南山区农业持续稳定发展

16.International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas国际干旱地区农业研究中心(旱地农研中心)

17.Study on the Technical System and the Mode of the Grassland Farming in South Dryland Farming Region of Ningxia China;宁南旱作农区草地农业发展模式与技术体系研究

18.The characteristics of drought and construction of drought-resistant and relievable farming system on the arid area of the Loess Plateau in the middle and east Gansu province甘肃省黄土高原旱作区干旱灾害特点及抗旱救灾农作制度的建立


South dryland farming area of Ningxia province宁南旱作农业区

3)dry farming agriculture旱作农业

1.Water and soil conservation in ecology anddry farming agriculture play important role in Shuangcheng City;水土保持在双城市生态和旱作农业建设中的作用

2.So be aimed at severe drought famine and dry farming agricultural condition, suggested the development countermeasures ondry farming agriculture which had som.因此,针对齐齐哈市旱灾频繁和旱作农业现状,提出了旱作农业发展对策和几点建议,对大力发展蓄水保墒的综合性农业机械化旱作新技术、提高防灾抗灾能力,有一定的指导意义。

4)dry farming旱作农业

1.Problems and countermeasures of rural human settlements indry farming region of Northern Shaanxi陕北旱作农业区乡村人居环境问题与对策研究

2.Zonal Origin Theory of Dry Farming in Northern China中国北方旱作农业带状起源论

3.In the paper, the meaning ofdry farming was generalized.概括了机械化旱作农业的内涵,详细介绍了深耕蓄水耕作技术、机械化抗旱播种技术、机械镇压保墒技术等8种机械化旱作农业技术的特点和技术要求。

5)dryland farming旱作农业

1.Technology and prospect on mechanizeddryland farming of Hebei Province;河北省机械化旱作农业技术与展望

2.It ha;been proved that,the capital constrtictioii on farmland with stress on the en-gineering of transforming slolpe into terrance, is the best way for teh eveelcpment ofdryland farming in arenaceous hilly area.按照目前旱作农业开发的技术要求和经济、技术条件,以及群众自力更生承包治理的承受能力,坡改梯必须坚持施工方便、省工、省料、进度快的小型工程设计标准。

6)rainfed agriculture旱作农业

1.On ways of development drylandrainfed agriculture on Loess Plateau;黄土高原干旱地区旱作农业技术发展途径的探讨




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