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Agricultural water use productivity is a crucial factor in sustainable farming and environmental conservation. It refers to the efficiency and effectiveness of water use in agricultural practices, serving as a key indicator of resource management and production potential. By optimizing water utilization, farmers can improve crop yields, reduce water wastage, and mitigate the impact on natural ecosystems. For example, precision irrigation techniques and drought-resistant crop varieties can enhance agricultural water use productivity, ensuring a more resilient and productive farming system. This collection of English short sentences and example sentences will offer insights and practical guidance for enhancing agricultural water use productivity, ultimately promoting sustainable and efficient agricultural practices.

农业用水生产率,agricultural water use productivity

1)agricultural water use productivity农业用水生产率

1.Impact of groundwater irrigation service market onagricultural water use productivity地下水灌溉服务市场对农业用水生产率的影响


1.Impact of groundwater irrigation service market on agricultural water use productivity地下水灌溉服务市场对农业用水生产率的影响

2.Calculating the Contribution to Agriculture of Farming Machinery by DEA Optimizing Producing Function Method;用生产函数的优化法计算农业机械的贡献率

3.An inquiry into the trade contribution of China s fisheries industry to agriculture;中国水产业对农业的贸易贡献率研究

4.Possible effect of raising agricultural water price on water saving and some discussions about its countermeasures;调高农用水价对农业节水可能产生的影响与相关对策探讨

5.Agricultural Biotechnology for Sustainable Productivity农业生物技术促进可持续生产率

6.so we have to pump from the river for farm use.因此我们必须从河里抽水以用于农业生产。

7.Study on the Supply System and the Operational Mechanism of the Agricultural Production Water;农业生产用水的供应体系与运行机制研究

8.The Research about the Effect of Public Investment on Agricultural Productivity and Non-Agricultural Employment;公共投资对农业生产率和非农就业的影响研究

9.Production Efficiency and Structural Differentiation of Agriculture in Central China;中部六省农业生产效率与农业结构分异研究

10.Mechanization Profit Portion Estimation in Agricultural Industry in Jinghe County;农业机械化对精河县农业生产的贡献率研究

11.Mechanization Profit Portion Estimation in Agricultural Industry in Hunan Province;农业机械化对湖南省农业生产的贡献率研究

12.Mechanization Profit Portion Estimation in Agriculture Production in Hebei Province;河北省农业机械化对农业生产贡献率的研究

13.An analysis on the transform of agricultural productivity with the alternation of agricultural institution in China;农业经营制度变革与农业生产率变动分析

14.The Impact of Agricultural Structural Optimization on Land productivity and Agricultural Growth农业结构优化对土地生产率和农业增长的影响

15.The Function of Wind Pumping Water and PV-pumping Water in Agriculture Production and Ecology Construction in Northwest China风力提水光伏提水在西北农业生产和生态建设中的作用

16.There have been enormous increases in agricultural productivity.农业生产率已得到巨大提高。

17.Study on China Agricultural Productivity in Transformational Perspective;基于转型视角的中国农业生产率研究

18.Estimate the Agricultural Production Efficiencies and Analysis It s Convergence:1980~;我国各地区的农业生产率与收敛:1980~


agricultural water productivity ratio农业水分生产率

1.Knowledge model basedagricultural water productivity ratio evaluation and regional irrigation strategy analysis;基于知识模型的农业水分生产率评价与区域灌溉策略分析

3)agricultural production water农业生产用水

1.Influenced by the traditional planned economy system, theagricultural production water has been solely supplied by the nation (government) or the collectivity since a long time ago in our country.因此,在农业生产用水的供应机制和农田水利设施的运行管理中,按照“明晰所有权、搞活经营权”的原则,吸收多种主体进入农业生产用水的供应领域,鼓励用水户及其组织参与灌溉管理,使供水经营权真正掌握在有效率的供水经营者手中,经营形式灵活多样,管理体制规范有序,借助现代企业制度的功能,逐步建立起“符合国情、水情和社会主义市场经济要求,充满生机和活力的水利工程管理体制和运行机制”。

4)agriculture productivity农业生产率

parison on Agriculture Productivity among Big Cities in China;我国大城市地区农业生产率比较

2.By using canonical correlation analysis methods,the canonical correlations models ofagriculture productivity was built, and a quantitative analysis of the effects of influencing factors onagriculture productivity was made.采用典型相关分析方法 ,构建了农业生产率的典型相关模型 ,定量判别各影响因素的变动对农业生产率的作用程度 ,并对计算结果进行了经济分

3.It advances a calculation method ofagriculture productivity with input output anlaysis and we have thought over sustainable productivity increase in this method.本文介绍了投入产出方法的应用和发展方向,利用该方法提出了一个在使农业生产得到持续发展的条件下计算农业生产率增长的方法,并探讨了将模糊系统理论引入投入产出分析,建立一个将投入产出分析、模糊系统理论和最优化三者融为一体的多目标规划模型的可能性。

5)Agricultural Productivity农业生产率

1.The Empirical Study on the Growth and Decomposition of China’sAgricultural Productivity from 1978 to : Evidence from Nonparameter HMB Productivity Index;中国农业生产率的变动与分解分析:1978~——基于非参数的HMB生产率指数的实证研究

2.The Research about the Effect of Public Investment onAgricultural Productivity and Non-Agricultural Employment;公共投资对农业生产率和非农就业的影响研究

3.An Empirical Study on the Growth and Decomposition of Guangdong"sAgricultural Productivity from 1993 to :A Positive Analysis based on Malmquist Productivity Index1993-广东农业生产率的变动与分解——基于Malmquist生产率指数的实证分析

6)agricultural production conlribution农业生产贡献率


农业用水农业用水agricultural water use墨西哥90%,日本68%,前苏联50%,美国44%,波兰16%,德国10%,英国4%。据1993年资料,中国农业用水占总用水量的74.3%,中国农业用水在总用水中所占比重很大,而其喷灌(河北省玉田县供祸)中绝大部分又用于农田灌溉。因此,节约农业用水,特别是农田灌溉用水,对于中国这样一个水资源相当贫乏的国家来说,有着重要意义。节约农业与农田灌溉用水的途径有:①调整农业结构和作物布局,使水土资源优化利用,达到节水、增产、增收目的;②广辟水源,并尽可能做到一水多用,充分利用;③采用渠道防渗、管(带)输水等措施,减少输水损失(参见彩图插页第33页);④平整土地,改进传统的地面灌水技术;推行小畦灌溉、细流沟灌,避免串灌串排的淹灌;⑤积极推广喷灌、滴灌、微喷灌、渗灌等先进、节水灌溉技术和相应的制度;⑥采用蓄水保墒耕作、田面覆盖保水等节水农业措施。(窦以松)nongye yongshui农业用水(agncultu司water use)农、林、牧、副、渔业等部门和乡镇、农场企事业单位以及农村居民生产与生活用水的总称。1975年,全世界工农业和城市生活用水量约3万亿立隆水中养鱼方米,其中农业用水为2.1万亿立方米,占70%。目前,世界农业用水每年以2.3%的速度递增。各国农业用水占总用水量的比重,随地区气候条件和工业化程度不同而异:印度叩%,


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