首页 > 畜牧养殖 > 猪群规模对猪群健康的影响(三)


农信网 2023-01-11 07:31:01 畜牧养殖 896



Biological reasons for an effect of herd size on disease occurrence<<


In this section, we describe plausible biological reasons for increased risk of introduction and spread of infectious agents with increasing herd size. We note that large herds might be able to mitigate many of these increased risks by the use of management procedures (e.g. biosecurity practices, all-in, all-out production and age-segregated production) which decrease the risk of introduction of pathogens into herds or their within-herd transmission. In addition, owners of smaller herds in theUSAfrequently use riskier management practices, including swapping boars with neighbors, increased likelihood of attending fairs and livestock shows, and more frequent use of trucks for a single purpose, which counteract the benefits of small herd size.


Greater risk of introducing infectious agents form outside the herd<<


The number of direct and indirect contacts that a swine herd has with potential outside sources of infection may increase as the herds expand in size. These contacts include introduction of breeding and feeder pigs, transportation of feed and of slaughter animals and visitor. Consequently, unless protective management practices are used as outlined above, the risk of introduction of pathogens will also usually increase. We describe the interrelationships between management factors and herd size in more detail below (see Influence of management-related factors that are associated with herd size).


Introduction of infectious agents with carrier pigs<<

为证实猪群规模效应,从外部购入后备母猪替换猪群中一定比例的母猪。假定后备母猪数量为n,源猪群中病原感染率为p,Marchevsky等(1989)认为由引种导致至少感染一头母猪的风险(P)服从二项分布。假设p = 0.01且在引种前未进行病原体检测,那么,一个500头母猪的猪群每年替换掉20%的母猪,其引入病原的风险(P)为0.64,同等替换率条件下,一个100头母猪的猪群,其风险(P)为0.18。新场启动时,从同一源猪群引种,同样会发生与猪群规模相关的类似现象。从理论上讲,大规模猪群所有者如果想要降低风险,可以从未感染猪群购买猪,或者只引入检测阴性的猪。

To demonstrate the effects of herd size, consider herds that replace a fixed proportion of the female breeding herd with gilts purchased from outside herds. Assuming a binomial distribution, Marchevsky et al. (1989) showed that the risk (P) of introducing at least 1 infected female is where n is the number of gilts introduced and p is the prevalence of the infectious agent in the source population. For example, assuming that p = 0.01 and no testing for the agent was done prior to the introduction, then a herd of 500 sows replacing 20% of females per annum would have a risk (P) of 0.64 of introducing an infectious agent compared with a risk of 0.18 for a herd of 100 sows with the same replacement rate. A similar herd size-related phenomenon occurs when herds are initially established from the same source without mitigations. One possible strategy for owners of larger herds to mitigate this theoretically increased risk is to purchase pigs from non-infected herds or to only introduce test-negative pigs into their herds.

P=1-(1- p)n (1)


Thorburn et al. (1991) suggested a modification of equation 1 to include sampling without replacement, and the equation could be further modified to include sampling of variable numbers of pigs from herds with different prevalences of infection. For simplicity, we do not present these modifications here. Also, to allow direct comparison with the model in the following section, we assume that, once an infectious agent is introduced into a herd with an infected pig, it is transmitted to other pigs in the same herd.


Introduction of infectious agents transmitted by airborne routes<<

实验数据表明,即使不引种或者限制与其他猪群接触,病毒性疾病通过空气传播引入病原同样会增加大型猪群的感染风险。如猪呼吸道冠状病毒(PRCV)和猪伪狂犬病毒(PRV)等传染病(据报道在丹麦发生过空气传播导致的传染病)在大规模猪群的感染风险明显增加(Henningsen等,1988; Christensen等,1990; Flori等,1995)。此外,这些研究发现,猪群规模的自然对数变换能够最优表述猪群规模对PRCV阳性或PRV阳性的单一影响。

Even for herds not introducing pigs and with limited contacts with other herds, there is empirical evidence that large swine herds are at increased risk of airborne introduction of viral diseases. For example, for infections such as PRCV and PRV (for which airborne transmission in Denmark has been reported), an increased risk of infection was evident in large herds (Henningsen et al., 1988; Christensen et al., 1990; Flori et al., 1995). In addition, the authors of these three studies found that a natural logarithmic transformation of herd size was the best formulation of the independent effect of herd size on the odds of positive PRCV or PRV status.


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